UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 15 January 2002 ----- Last revision: 16 January 2002 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2002.01.14.a.log ----------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo ------------ UVCS Activity: Place UVCS in Soft Safe Configuration -------------- (Door Open) for Spacecraft activities SOHO Activity: See Below -------------- EOF Staff: M. P. Miralles: Lead Scientist ---------- M. Uzzo: Commander, Planner Y.-K. Ko R. Wu Command file: Activity: --------- 1) SOHO Maneuvers - UVCS in Safe Configuration (outer door open) Sequence: Manual Commanding SCI_SPEC: OVI and VLD High Voltage Off, no observations OBS_PROG: SCI_OBJ: OBJ: CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2002.01.14.20:00 end: 2002.01.15.20:45 ONUMs = 37487 (0 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Roll: 35156 (90 deg) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.5 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 50 um - OVI Slit: 100 um - LYA GRTPOS: 128000 - OVI GRTPOS: 184200 - LYA mask: LYA_93_1sec in slot 2 - OVI mask: OVI_168MPM in slot 1 15 JANUARY 2002 MM/SK TIMELINE Last Update: 14 January at 16 UT Standard Disclaimer: All times are in UT and are estimates. Total Fuel Usage = 0.0714 kg ** STOF will not safe based on current fuel estimates FRIDAY -- 11 January 2002 ------------------------- * MDI will uplink a tuning and focus load for 60-day continuous (allow uninterrupted 1 hour and 15 minutes) MONDAY -- 14 January 2002 -- Instrument Safing ----------------------------------------------- *** Limit violation sheets need to be in by 4pm local DSS-66 07:40 - 15:25 UT DSS-27 15:05 - 00:05 UT * UVCS safing at 20 UT * LASCO closes doors at 22 UT DSS-46 23:45 - 06:00 UT * CDS closes door after 24 UT TUESDAY -- 15 January 2002 -- Maneuvers ----------------------------------------- DSS-54 08:15 - 12:20 UT SVM Reserved for Step 2 of Maneuver Prep (Cat Bed heaters ON), only takes about 5 minutes NRT could be made available very early if necessary. DSS-16 15:00 - 00:20 UT SVM Reserved Time for Maneuvers * Instrument Activities done by FOT - FOT has SOC notify MDI and opens MDI's ISS loop - Remove SWAN from ESR warning flag receiver list - SWAN Safing - Disable offpointing flag function for LASCO, MDI, UVCS SVM Reserved Continues - First burn at 16:30 UT * Maneuvers - SK (5.5 minutes burn) then MM (total of 75 minutes, done in 3 segments of varying lengths) * Instrument Recovery activities done by FOT - Re-enable offpointing flag function for LASCO, MDI, UVCS - FOT has SOC get clearance from MDI and then closes MDI's ISS loop via TSTOL - Recover SWAN (2 hours after last thruster firings) via usual TSTOLs - Return SWAN to ESR warning flag receiver list * After SWAN recovery, the delayed command file SWA020111171.DEL science load should be uploaded. ~21-22 UT FOT should be done * 23 UT UVCS may recover (~45 minutes, pauses tolerated with warning) or on DSS-27 Wednesday WEDNESDAY -- 16 JANUARY 2002 --------------------------- DSS-46 02:45 - 06:10 UT DSS-66 07:55 - 15:10 UT DSS-27 15:05 - 00:25 UT * If UVCS has not recovered, they will recover on DSS-27 (~45 minutes, pauses tolerated with warning) THURSDAY -- 17 JANUARY 2002 --------------------------- DSS-46 00:25 - 07:50 UT * CDS will open doors on D46 (~5 minutes) DSS-66 07:40 - 15:40 UT DSS-16 15:20 - 00:25 UT * LASCO will open doors at 16 UT * EIT Shutterless observations 17:00-19:40 UT DSS-46 00:05 - 07:50 UT