UVCS MISSION LOG ---------------- Date: 23 November 2004 ----- Last revision: 24 November 2004 (Wu) -------------- File Name: 2004.11.23.a.log ---------- Compiled by: M. Uzzo, R. Wu ------------ UVCS Activity: Flush and Abort South Coronal Hole OVI Observation for -------------- 23 November 2004 Load and Start Radiometric Calibration using Star Delta Scorpionis for 23 November 2004 Load South Coronal Hole OVI Observation for 23 - 24 November 2004 Load Flat Field Calibration using Star Delta Scorpionis for 24 November 2003 SOHO Activity: -------------- EOF Staff: L. Gardner / S. Cranmer: Lead Scientist ---------- M. Uzzo: Commander, Planner Y.-K. Ko R. Wu Command file: Activity: --------- 1) Spectral Studies Using Delta Scorpionis Sequence: Manual, TakeOVIexps.tcl (120 sec.) SCI_SPEC: Star Observations. There were many problems with DSN this day. D16 was declared Red, and D27 was brought up to take its place, however line problems with JPL prevented any telemetry from reaching its destination (not just with SOHO, but also with many other projects using DSN). FOT was not able to get SOHO into record, therefore there was a large period of lost data (with periods of severely degraded data). UVCS was not observing during this "lost" period due to the DSN reliability problems which precluded the safe operation of the instrument, so UVCS data loss was not great. OBS_PROG: Primary: Calibration Sub Obj: Spectral Coverage SCI_OBJ: Primary: Calibration...Radiometric Calibration Sub Obj: Celetial Targets...Star OBJ: Star...Delta Sco CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2004.11.23.13:30 end: 2004.11.23.14:32 ONUMs = 21815 (27 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 153.0 Degrees (46636) - Mirror/Occulter: 7.92 Ro Occulter widths: 15mm (all) - LYA Slits: 50 um - OVI Slits: 50 um - LYA GRTPOS: 128000 - OVI GRTPOS: 171000 - OVI mask: Star_5x2 in slot 5 Fits Files: q04.11.23.13:24:48.ovi.dat GAP between 11/23/04|14:10:49(15399) and 11/23/04|14:11:53(15505) GAP between 11/23/04|14:38:53( 1718) and 11/23/04|14:40:00( 1820) GAP between 11/23/04|14:41:06( 1930) and 11/23/04|14:55:00( 3260) GAP between 11/23/04|14:55:02( 3265) and 11/23/04|17:39:41( 2699) GAP between 11/23/04|17:40:41( 2794) and 11/23/04|17:42:43( 2993) GAP between 11/23/04|17:42:43( 2995) and 11/23/04|17:45:11( 3226) GAP between 11/23/04|17:45:11( 3226) and 11/23/04|17:47:29( 3452) GAP between 11/23/04|17:47:59( 3501) and 11/23/04|17:49:40( 3660) GAP between 11/23/04|17:49:55( 3682) and 11/23/04|17:58:08( 4470) 2) South Coronal Hole Observation Sequence: 04.08_holexOVI.tcl, n50min = 3 SCI_SPEC: Characterization of a north polar coronal hole. Goal is to measure the properties of a polar coronal hole. In particular we are interested in the coronal conditions (intensities and line widths for HI Ly-alpha and OVI 1032/1037) as a function of height and latitude. We will compare these properties with the ones found in non-polar coronal holes. Roll positions are VL-corrected for PA=185 degree. OBS_PROG: Primary: Sensitivity Sub Obj: Spatial Coverage SCI_OBJ: Plasma Properties...Proton and Ion Temperatures OBJ: Coronal Hole CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2004.11.23.20:55 end: 2004.11.24.01:08 ONUMs = 21817 (14 exps) 21818 (108 exps) Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun Center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 177.09, 179.38 degrees (51021, 51438) - Mirror/Occulter: 1.7, 2.4 Ro 1.5 mm overocculting - LYA Slit: 50 um - OVI Slit: 50, 75 um - LYA GRTPOS: 128000 - OVI GRTPOS: 230000 - OVI MCP Voltage: 200 - OVI mask: OVI_MPM_232 in slot 3 Fits Files: q04.11.23.20:52:25.ovi.dat q04.11.23.21:24:11.ovi.dat 3) Flat Field Calibration Using Delta Scorpionis Sequence: Manual, TakeOVIexps.tcl (120 sec.) SCI_SPEC: Spatial Flat Field Calibration. Observation was interrupted to adjust mirror during ONUM 21820. Observations were then resumed using ONUM 21821. Observation was interrupted to adjust mirror during ONUM 21822. Observations were then resumed using ONUM 21822. ONUM 21822 then flushed and aborted at approximately 18:42 UT. OBS_PROG: Primary: Calibration Sub Obj: Spatial Coverage SCI_OBJ: Primary: Calibration...Radiometric Calibration Sub Obj: Celetial Targets...Star OBJ: Star...Delta Sco CMP_NAME: CMP_NUM: Duration: start: 2004.11.24.01:12 end: 2004.11.24.18:44 ONUMs = 21820 (141 exps) ; aborted 21821 (176 exps) 21822 (179 exps) ; aborted Instrument configuration: - Pointing: Sun center - Spacecraft Roll: 0 Degrees - Roll: 173.01 Degrees (50279) - Mirror/Occulter: 7.28 Ro (36324, 36350, 36375) 49 mm occulter width - LYA Slits: 50 um - OVI Slits: 200 um - LYA GRTPOS: 128000 - OVI GRTPOS: 44000 - OVI mask: Star_3x4 in slot 4 Fits Files: q04.11.24.01:11:29.ovi.dat q04.11.24.06:21:47.ovi.dat q04.11.24.12:25:49.ovi.dat