Coordination of White Light Data


Marco Romoli

Group Coordinator:

Silvano Fineschi

Main scientific purposes:

    The Visible Light Channel (VLC) is a broadband (450-600 nm) visible light polarimeter that provides a measurement of the coronal polarized brightness (pB) on a single pixel with a square spatial field of view of 14"x14" centered about in the center of the UV channel instantaneous field of view. The pB is proportional to the integral on the electron density along the line of sight, therefore it provides a measurement of parameter which is of key importance for the determination of the other plasma parameters. The VLC will also provide useful information to test coronal electron density models from 1.5 to 5 solar radii. The VLC will be used also for an inter-calibration with LASCO pB measurements that are capable to provide electron density measurements extended to larger height and to a broader instantaneous spatial range. The VLC is also the only instrument on SOHO that presently is able to provide pB of the K corona between 1.5 and 2.5 solar radii.

Current Members:

Marco Romoli, Silvano Fineschi