Yale Astronomy Department Workshop

Star Formation in a Dynamic Interstellar Medium

May 20, 2002

The Yale Astronomy Department will host this 1-day workshop with two goals in mind.

  1. Bringing a forefront discussion of star formation observation and theory to the Yale community.
  2. Allowing area "experts" to converse about trends in current and future research.

Strategy for the "talks"

Each speaker will plan on about 20 minutes worth of "presentation," and he or she can choose to deliver the presentation all at once, saving discussion for the end, or to intersperse presentation and discussion. Alyssa Goodman will moderate the morning's sessions, and Richard Larson the afternoon's--making sure that at least half the alotted time for each talk is spent in discussion.

It is clear that the questions to be discussed cannot be adequately "reviewed" in 20 minutes. So, instead, speakers are asked to spend no more than half their time on "review" or introduction, and to spend the other half on any new result that seems particularly curious.

The audience for the talks will be comprised of local-area (w/in 150 miles of New Haven) experts, graduate studens who have just completed an ISM/SF Seminar with Goodman & Larson, and interested Yale Ph.D.s.

Would you like to come?

If you'd like to join us for the day here at Yale on May 20, and particpate in Workshop discussions (even if you think we already know you're coming), please click here before May 12, to send a confirming email!

Schedule for Monday, May 20, 2002

All talks at Gibbs Lab, Room 263 (directions).

Time Speaker Topic
09:40 Alyssa Goodman (CfA/Yale) Introduction
10:00 Phil Myers (CfA) What are the properties of the observed environment for star formation?
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 Elizabeth Lada (U. Florida); to be confirmed What are the real observational constraints on the IMF?
11:40 Paolo Padoan (Caltech/JPL) What have we learned from numerical simulations of the star-forming ISM, on >1 pc scales?
12:20 Lunch
1:50 Bruce Elmegreen (IBM) On what scale is an IMF determined, and how might the answer to this question change? (Opinion #1)
2:30 Ian Bonnell (U. St. Andrews, Scotland) On what scale is an IMF determined, and how might the answer to this question change? (Opinion #2; simulation figure above from Bate, Bonnell & Bromm)
3:10 Coffee Break
3:30 Richard Larson (Yale) Thoughts, and an open fourm, on the day's presentations
4:00 Meeting Adjourns, but those interested stay on to chat

For more information, contact Alyssa Goodman, at agoodman@cfa.harvard.edu.