pro scf0,q1 ; SC7 is the main processing routine of the SCF package. It raster ; scans through the data cube and excises square boxes containing ; the resolution elements. The SCF values are calculated and inserted ; in the OUTDATA variable. This is the seventh version of the SCF ; program. There remain some coding artificats of previous versions ; in the program. ; Note: this version of the SCF requires a distance mask to work! @varld.cb ;access variable blocks r=(res-1)/2 ;convert resolution radius (odd) to subcube radius count=0 ;keeps track of successful interations outdata=replicate(99999.0,nx0,ny0,16) ;give us our data matrix st=systime(1) ;time the routine for performance purposes ;------------------------------ ; First, the program replaces all non-finite entries with 99999.0 ;------------------------------ finitecbe=fltarr(nx0,ny0,nv0)+99999.0 finsubs=where(finite(data0)) finitecbe(finsubs)=data0(finsubs) data0=finitecbe signal=fltarr(nx0,ny0)+99999.0 nse=fltarr(nx0,ny0)+99999.0 q=q1 v=findgen(nv0)*dv0+v0 avg_sp=total(total(data0,1),1)/(nx0*ny0) avg_centroid=total(avg_sp*v)/total(avg_sp) avg_sigma=sqrt(abs(total(avg_sp*(v-avg_centroid)^2))/total(avg_sp)) sigma=fitparams(*,*,2) fitparams(*,*,2)=replicate(avg_sigma,nx0,ny0) errmat=fitparams(*,*,5) ;------------------------------ ; These loops set up the raster scan through the cube. ;------------------------------ for x=r,nx0-r-1 do begin ; begin looping through basis spectra print,'Now Calculating row',fix(x+1),' of',fix(nx0) ; keeps the user from getting bored for y=r,ny0-r-1 do begin ;disp0=fitparams(x,y,2) ;get the line parameters from the fit ;vdisp0=sqrt(alog(2))*disp0 ;parameters data ;vpeak0=fitparams(x,y,1) vpeakpt=fitparams(x,y,6) vdisppt=fitparams(x,y,7) ;sig0=abs(fitparams(x,y,4)) ;Tmax0=fitparams(x,y,0) ;Tint0=2*sqrt(!pi)*vdisp0*gaussint(q)*Tmax0 ;------------------------------ ;The rejection of data is handled by If a datum is not ;good, puts a non-zero flag in the last entry of the fit ;parameters this next step recognizes this and puts in a bad data ;column in the output file. ;------------------------------ error_key=fix(errmat(x,y)) if error_key ne 0 then begin goto,endloop3 endif count=count+1 ;aha! Successful spectra, let's get to work! ;------------------------------ ; A subcube of the original cube containing the resolution element must ; be extracted for calculations. This section also cacluates the corner ; of the box in pixel coordinates ;------------------------------ ymin=(y-r)*( (y-r) ge 0) ymax=(y+r)*((y+r) le ny0-1)+(ny0-1)*((y+r) gt ny0-1) xmin=(x-r)*( (x-r) ge 0) xmax=(x+r)*((x+r) le nx0-1)+(nx0-1)*((x+r) gt nx0-1) delx=xmax-xmin+1 ;calcs how big the box is dely=ymax-ymin+1 v=findgen(nv0) ; Paolo's a genius!!: hold=min(abs(v-(vpeakpt-q*vdisppt)),v1) hold=min(abs(v-(vpeakpt+q*vdisppt)),v2) incube=data0(xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax,v1:v2) if (v1 eq v2) then goto,endloop3 spec0=transpose(data0(x,y,*)) ; get the originial spectrum spec0=spec0(v1:v2) subs=where(spec0 lt 0) if (subs(0) eq -1) then goto,endloop3 ; print,'Spectrum at '+string(fix(x))+' and '+string(fix(y))+' rejected' ; print,v1,v2 ;endif velpts=v2-v1+1 ;number of velocity abcissae nse(x,y)=sqrt(total(spec0(where(spec0 lt 0))^2)/total(spec0 lt 0)) signal(x,y)=sqrt(total(spec0^2)/velpts) base_matrix=fltarr(delx,dely,velpts) for i=0,delx-1 do begin for j=0,dely-1 do begin base_matrix(i,j,*)=spec0 endfor endfor scf=1.-sqrt(total((incube-base_matrix)^2,3)/total((incube^2+base_matrix^2),3)) ;------------------------------ ; The routine prepares the output arrays and the mask ;------------------------------ sz=delx*dely outd=fltarr(delx,dely,8) normmask=mask normmask(x-xmin,y-ymin)=0. normmask=normmask*(fitparams(xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax,5) eq 0) if total(normmask) eq 0 then begin print,x,y,'<------ Cannot correlate with nearby spectra, rejecting' goto,endloop3 endif output=total(normmask*scf)/total(normmask) outdata(x,y,7)=output endloop3: endfor endfor outdata(*,*,8:12)=fitparams(*,*,0:4) s2nm=signal/nse if total(where(errmat ne 0.)) ne -1 then s2nm(where(errmat ne 0.))=99999.0 outdata(*,*,13)=s2nm outdata(*,*,11.)=99999.0 v=findgen(nv0)*dv0+v0 T_int=total(data0,3) weight=fltarr(nx0,ny0,nv0) for i=0,nx0-1 do begin for j=0,ny0-1 do begin weight(i,j,*)=v endfor endfor centroid=total(weight*data0,3)/T_int centroid_mat=fltarr(nx0,ny0,nv0) for i=0,nv0-1 do begin centroid_mat(*,*,i)=centroid endfor outdata(*,*,9)=sigma fitparams(*,*,2)=sigma outdata(*,*,10)=total(data0*(weight-centroid_mat)^2,3)/T_int ;------------------------------ ; Finally, some timekeeping routines, FYI ;------------------------------ fin=systime(1) ;stop the clock total_time=fix(fin-st) hours=total_time/3600 minutes_and_seconds=total_time mod 3600 minutes=minutes_and_seconds/60 seconds=minutes_and_seconds mod 60 print, 'Total Analysis time:' if (hours eq 1) then print,'1 Hour' else print,hours,' Hours' if (minutes eq 1) then print, '1 Minute' else print, minutes,' Minutes' if (seconds eq 1) then print, '1 Second' else print, seconds,' Seconds' print,'Avg. Time / spectra=', (fin-st)/count ; statistics! print,'Total Spectra Rejected=',nx0*ny0-count ;tidy up save,file='',outdata,fitparams ;keep the results end