Selected records from Axiom

Data Source: INSPEC
Accession Number: 4121421
Title: Two-component gravitating systems and red giant-like structure
Author(s): Fujimoto, M Y; Tomisaka, K
Publication Date: 1992 Volume: 385 Start Page: 445
Publication: Astrophysical Journal

Abstract: The equilibria and evolution of gravitating systems composed of two components are studied by approximating their equations of states to polytropes. The two components are assumed to interact only through gravity. The structure is characterized by the ratios of the densities and specific thermal energies at the center in addition to the polytropic indices. The hotter component of larger central thermal energy always envelops the other cooler component. Unless the central density is much larger, the component is affected by the extra gravity produced by the other component, but the structural response differs according to whether it is cooler or hotter. The structure of such systems is identical to that of red giant stars with the cooler component of higher central density as a core and the hotter component of lower central density as an envelope. Further, a two-component system necessarily evolves towards this red giant-like structure if the one component suffers cooling faster than the other

Classifications: A9810; A9850D; A9850E; A9850K; A9820G; A9710C
Controlled Indexing: clusters of galaxies; dark matter; galaxies; globular star clusters; stellar dynamics; stellar structure
Uncontrolled Indexing: two-component gravitating systems equilibria; gravitating systems dynamical evolution; galaxies; star clusters; globular clusters; galaxy clusters; core-halo structure; dark matter haloes; polytropic equations of state; cool component size; central densities ratio; hot component size; gravitating components cooling rates; core-envelope structure; hot component expansion; Lane-Emden stellar structure solution; red giant-like structure; specific thermal energies; polytropic indices; hotter component; central thermal energy; red giant stars