2002 COURSE OUTLINE by Date, with Links and Notes


Dec. 3: Stellar Stability & Acoustics


TUESDAY Journal Club: "P-Mode Observations on Alpha Cen A" by Bouchy & Carrier (A&A, 374, L5-8, 2001), and the corresponding theory article "Astroseismology and Calibration of the Alpha Cen Binary System" by Thevenin et al. (A&A, 392, L9-12, 2002), reviewed by Ann Marie Cody & Christopher Pilman.

Dec. 5: Stellar Stability & Acoustics

Stellar Seismology

PROBLEM Set 5: due Dec 17.

Dec. 10: Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy and the Universe (Guest Lecture)

Galactic Evolution, Stellar Yields, & Cosmochronology;
Metal Enrichment Patterns from z=5 to Present

TUESDAY Journal Club: "X-Ray Spectrum Challenges Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts" - a Physics Today review (July 2002, p.18) of the article by Reeves et al. (Nature, 416, 512, 2002), reviewed by Deborah Freedman & Ryan Hickox.

Dec. 12: No lecture

Dec. 17: Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy and the Universe

Stellar Population Synthesis and Primordial Galaxies;
A Glimpse into the Distant Future: The Long-Term Fate of Astrophysical Objects.

TUESDAY Journal Club: "F stars, Metallicity, and the Ages of Red galaxies at z > 1" by Nolan et al. ( astro-ph/0103450), reviewed by Maryam Modjaz & Mark Hartman.