Center for Astrophysics

The CfA Space Geodesy Homepage

The CfA Sea Level Homepage

Sea Level Hazards:

Impact to coastal wetlands

Beach erosion

Inundation of land

Increased flood and storm damage

Increased salinity of estuaries and aquifers

Other Impacts


Additional Resources

This webpage was created by Stacey Archfield

Increased flood and storm damage

A higher sea level will provide a higher base for storm surges [IPCC, 1998]. A one-meter rise in sea level would enable a 15-year storm to flood areas that today are only flooded by 100-year storms [IPCC, 1998]. Flood damages would increase 36-58% for a 30-cm rise in sea level and increase 102-200% for sea level rise greater than 90 cm [IPCC, 1998]. Larger storms cause loss of beach width and force large sediments into inlets.

Space Geodesy Group
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St, MS 42
Cambridge, MA 02138-1516